City Squash

College Internships

CitySquash has internship opportunities for college students and college graduates for the summer of 2024. Those interested in applying to our Bronx-based program should contact us via email at with a cover letter and resume. 


Squash & Program Intern 
CitySquash seeks a Squash & Program Intern for the summer of 2024 to work directly with team members as a squash coach in addition to assisting with the organization’s fundraising, development and communications efforts. Ideal candidates will have extensive competitive experience in college squash, a strong academic record, and most importantly, a passion to help youth.


Intern duties include working directly with students as a coach in both small group and one-on-one sessions, as well as assisting the squash staff in organizing and running squash practices and fitness sessions. The intern will also assist with follow-up projects from the organization’s annual fundraiser and other administrative tasks relating to the organization’s development department. The intern may be asked to travel with our team members to tournaments as a coach and may attend one or two overnight weekend trips with the program. The intern may also be required to drive students to and from tournaments.


The internship will be eight weeks in length, the start and end dates are flexible.  The intern will work both at our office on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx and at Fordham University, where all squash sessions are held. Hours are 9pm-5pm or 10am-6pm Monday through Friday.

Interns are paid a stipend for their 8 weeks of work. Knowledge of Spanish is highly desirable. Internship will provide valuable experience for college students interested in coaching, working with students in a youth development program, and learning about the operations of a not-for-profit organization.



Academic Enrichment Intern 
The Academic Enrichment Intern will work directly with CitySquash’s Academic Directors in planning and running CitySquash’s Summer Camp. The intern will work with elementary, middle and high school students and assist the Academic Directors in planning and carrying out daily academic enrichment lessons. The intern will also help in planning and chaperoning weekly field trips and may also lead individual test prep sessions for students applying to private high schools and/or colleges. Before the start of summer camp, the intern will help with tutoring students, collecting end-of-year academic data and other administrative tasks.


The internship will be eight weeks. Altho the start and end dates are flexible, the ideal 8-week period would be Monday, June 8th through Friday, July 31st. In the Bronx, the intern will work both in our Learning Center on Arthur Avenue and at Fordham University, where some summer camp sessions are run. Hours are 9pm-5pm or 10am-6pm Monday through Friday. The Brooklyn position has similar hours and will work at our Brooklyn site at Poly Prep Country Day School.

Interns are paid a stipend for their 8 weeks of work. Knowledge of Spanish is highly desirable. Internship will provide valuable experience for college students interested in education, non-profit and youth development.


Placement Intern (Bronx)
The Placement Intern will work directly on test prep with students looking to take the SSAT (Secondary School Admissions Test) in order to attend private high schools and/or high school seniors preparing for the ACT. The intern will also help CitySquash’s Director of Placement manage the summer camp placement program for CitySquash team members attending summer camps and tournaments throughout the summer. The intern will help collect camp forms, coordinate travel to and from camp and ensure that students are ready for their camp experiences. The intern may also assist in running certain summer camp sessions for elementary, middle and high school students. 


The internship will be eight weeks, and the start and end dates are flexible. The intern will work both in our Learning Center on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx and at Fordham University, where some summer camp sessions are run. Hours are 9pm-5pm or 10am-6pm Monday through Friday.

Interns are paid a stipend for their 8 weeks of work. Knowledge of Spanish is highly desirable. Internship will provide valuable experience for college students interested in interacting with students in an academic setting and learning about the non-profit world.