City Squash


Mentors are an integral part of our program. Mentors support us at our practices, activities and events. They are closely involved in our students’ lives and serve as positive role models to them. Mentors meet with their mentees several times a year and also communicate regularly via phone and email. Mentor-mentee activities range from going to baseball games to taking art classes to studying for the SAT.


Mentor of the year

Lauren McGowan
Stephanie & Ali Butera 
Jake Lord 
Sam Haig & Nicole Murakami 
Diana Betteridge & Amay Merchant 
Lauren Chu & Andrew Hilboldt 
Gray Huffard 
Scott Sill 
Asher Hochberg 
Kelly Campelly & Brannon Cook 
Joe McGeehin & Chris O’Connell 
Brannon Cook & Andres Mejia 
Erica Glola 
Kelly Campelli & Lisa Knowlton 
Trey Kuppin 

CitySquash’s Current and Past Mentors

Nicholas Aeppel
Jose Alvarez
Brooke Anderson
Marcos Araujo
Rana Bansal
Holly Battsek
John Beam
Morgan Beeson
Liza Benedict
Billy Berner
Diana Betteridge
Dana Betts
KC Boback
Courtney Bogle
Courtney Burdette
Alexandra Butera
Stephanie Butera
Kathryn Brummer
Lucas Bruns
Brian Cady
Mike Callaway
Kelly Campelli
Scott Casher
Julie Cerullo
Amanda Chen
Lauren Chu
Pete Cipriano
Taryn Clary
Alexa Comai
Brannon Cook
Melisa Cook
Blair Corbin
Brad Corbin
Cece Cortes
Grace Cousins
Brittany Coxe
Harrison Croll
Matthew Crowe
Zack Davis
Caroline Deakin
Khary Dennis
Aissatou Diagne
Marron Doherty
Andrew Duckworth
Rakey Drameh
Lauralynn Drury
Austin Engros
Sam Ezratty
Lilly Fast
Chris Fernandez
Mary Foster
Bruno Forcine
Thomas Galluccio
Gabby Garr
Dayton Geddes-Key
Tom Gilroy
Emily Gordon
Lily Gordon
Katherine Gracey
Nicolas Guillen
Sam Haig
Sarah Hall
Chris Hanson
Ripley Hartmeyer
Crosby Haynes
Geordie Henderson
Stephen Henderson
Freddy Hernandez
Andrew Hilboldt
Scott Hillman
Malika Hinds
Daniel Hsu
Ally Huchro
Rochell Hudson
Gray Huffard
Julian Illingworth
Kyle Ismail
Tanesha Jackson
Abby Jenkins
Catherine Jenkins
Nate Johnson
Brett Karley
Natasha Kingshott
Andy Konstantatos
Arianna Kourides
Michelle Kravitz
Nina Labarre
Dominic Lee
Luke Lee
Dan Londono
Jake Lord
Matthew Lovejoy
John Lyons
Stacy Maceda
Matt Mackin
Nicholas Makarov
Dixon Mallory
Ben Mandel
Michael Mandel
David Mango
Jake Mann
Becca Mark
Michael Marvin
Hope Matthews
Greg McArthur
Haley McAtee
Lisi McCall
Joe McGeehin
Lauren McGowan
Elisabeth McMorris
Maddy Moelis
Kelly Mulrow
Kirsy Munoz
Nicole Murakami
Sarah Murphy
Gerry Murray
Sumi Nair
Kit Norris
Caroline Nut
Trotter Oberrender
Jack O’Brien
Ron Ongaro
Olena Ostesheva
Maggie O’Toole
John Eric Overbeck
Jesse Pacheco
Rashna Patnaik
Manuela Perez
Mac Pivirotto
Joe Pugliese
Adam Purdy
Valentin Quan
Joe Raho
Lanique Rhyne
Miller Robinson
Greg Romero
Corey Rosen
Meredith Schmidt-Fellner
Sydney Scott
Harrison Sebring
Scott Sill
Alexandra Sorbello
Charlotte Steel
Betsy Stewart
Matt Stillman
Tyler Stout
Leda Strong
Becca Taylor
Nick Taylor
Hilary Thorndike
Colleen Tubridy
Emma Vadapalas
Elizabeth Vadasdi
Karina VanHouten
Jack Vogelsang
Kristin Wadhwa
Charlie Wagner
Jason Walkins
Patrick Wallace
Jamie Wilson
Grace Zimmerman
Victor Zimmermann