City Squash
Enabling New York City youth to fulfill their academic,
athletic and personal potential.

Stock Gift Instructions – CitySquash

Stock Gift Instructions – CitySquash


Gifts in Stock Instructions

Gifts of stock for CitySquash can be received through Charles Schwab

Corporation. Donors can deliver CitySquash stock gifts via DTC free delivery.

Here are the DTC instructions:

DTC # 0164, Code 40
f/b/o CitySquash Inc.
Account # 1808-3140

Please call CitySquash at 718-220-7400 if you have any questions. Also, please
let Anne Tierney know via email or telephone if you submit the instructions to
donate stock so she can keep an eye out for the stock. Her contact information is

Many thanks for your generosity!
The CitySquash Team
Anne Tierney
Director of Operations
718-220-7400 x808