City Squash



3rd Annual Black & Orange A Huge Success!

Over 130 CitySquash students, parents, mentors, current and new volunteers headed to Fordham on Saturday, October 28 for a day of sports, competition, and fun at the 3rd Annual Black & Orange! The Black and the Orange teams competed on the squash and basketball courts, in relay races and giant soccer, and on the dance floor. Additionally, teams showed off their creativity and engineering prowess in the Marshmallow Challenge, tasked with building the tallest possible structure out of dried spaghetti, tape, and string that would hold a marshmallow on top- without toppling over! The field day is a fun way to bring together all types of CitySquash supporters, and especially, introduce new volunteers to the organization! Photos from the day can be found in the gallery. Thank you to all who participated for making the event a great success, and congratulations to this year’s winners, the Orange team!