City Squash



Brooklyn CitySquashers win first-ever Urban National Title



Seventy CitySquash team members from the Bronx and Brooklyn travelled to Philadelphia over the Martin Luther King Day Weekend for the 14th Urban Team Nationals hosted by the National Urban Squash and Education Association. CitySquash’s teams, ranging from the U13 to the U19 divisions, competed at SquashSmart’s  Lenfest Center, the Ringe Squash Center at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Kline & Specter Squash Center at Drexel University.  The NUSEA sponsored tournament brought together 19 NUSEA programs. CitySquash had an impressive run at the tournament by making it into 5 of the 8 division finals. In the end, CitySquash’s Brooklyn BU13, Bronx GU13 and Bronx BU15 teams came away with National Urban Squash Championship titles. This was the first ever Urban National Championship for our Brooklyn CitySquashers. Team members had a fantastic time at the tournament and played excellent squash. Thank you to NUSEA for running an exceptional event and to our amazing hosts for housing our team over the weekend. Congratulations to CitySquash’s winning teams and to all who participated!