In June, CitySquash Director of Squash, Bryan Patterson, embarked on his third biking trip with a group of CitySquash high school and college students. The group left on June 5thand biked from Seattle to San Diego along the Pacific coast. In addition to Bryan, CitySquash students Karina Lazaro, Joana Pacheco, Darrius Campbell, Felipe Pantle, and William Pantle participated in the ride. Both Felipe and Karina are experienced riders, having gone on Bryan’s previous bike trips. Felipe biked from San Francisco to the Bronx in 2011 while Karina travelled from LA to Chicago along Route 66 in 2015.This year’s West Coast route contained terrific scenery, breathtaking views, and exciting chances to meet up with other urban squash programs. The group was hosted by SquashDrive in San Francisco, Santa Barbara School of Squash in Santa Barbara, and Access Youth Academy in San Diego. The group returned to the Bronx on June 30th after biking more than 1400 miles. Thank you to all who supported and helped make this incredible experience possible!