City Squash



CitySquashers Settle Into College

After a summer of anticipation, CitySquash’s newest college class has finally settled into their freshman year.  Freddy Hernandez recently made the trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania to attend Franklin & Marshall College.  In August, long time CitySquasher, Prince Mensah began at Hamilton College in Clinton, NY.  Jesse Pacheco (who was recently honored as a Bulldogs Care Foundation All-Star) has started classes at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY.  At the beginning of this month, Diana Edwards started her college career at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT.  Jennifer Arboleda has traveled the farthest of all the CitySquashers to attend DePaul University in Chicago, IL.  While some of our students traveled far for college, Angie Morales felt right at home here in New York as she started at The City College of New York in Manhattan.  Finally, Katrina Intal started classes at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, MA earlier this month.  The entire CitySquash team is proud of our newest class of college students and wishes them all the best of luck on their college careers!