City Squash



CitySquash Brooklyn Launch

For the past twelve years, CitySquash has served and called the Bronx home. This February, the program will expand to another borough and community: Brooklyn. Thanks to a partnership with the Poly Prep Country Day School, City Squash Brooklyn will recruit 28 fourth and fifth grade team members from PS/IS 163: Bath Beach and PAVE Academy in Red Hook. The program, like its Bronx counterpart, will be an intensive mix of squash instruction, academic tutoring and enrichment, community service, cultural outings, and mentoring. Within four years, we anticipate this expansion to increase CitySquash’s overall enrollment by at least 50%.

The expansion to Brooklyn is the result of the generosity and efforts of many people, including, but not limited to: David Harman, Steve Anderson, Ben Oliner, and Meredith Quick at Poly Prep; Mary Ann Wasmuth at PS/IS 163; Spencer Robertson at PAVE Academy; and CitySquash’s new Brooklyn Board of Advisors. Peter Feldman, who has served the past three years as CitySquash’s Director of College Prep and Academic Chair, will be leading the initiative as Program Director.