City Squash



New Courts are a Big Hit

After six months of construction, the CitySquash funded renovation of Fordham University’s squash facility is complete! The five narrow American courts that served as CitySquash’s home courts since 2002 were renovated into four new international courts and are a tremendous upgrade. Each court has a viewing gallery from above and is lit with bright fluorescent lights. The most stunning new feature of the renovation are the two glass walls that separate courts #1 and #2. These semi-transparent walls create a ground level, panoramic viewing area and room for ten lockers. By funding the renovation, CitySquash has also gained increased access to the courts and a free 25 year lease on the facility. In addition to its functional importance, the renovation strengthens the bond between CitySquash and Fordham Universty and ensures that CitySquash will have a home in the Bronx for at least the next 25 years.