City Squash



Off to Baltimore for First Tournament of the Season

CitySquashers, Santiago Moran, Billy Fleurima, Robert Williams, Axel Michaca, and Hugo Barroso had a weekend full of squash at the Bare Hills Gold Tournament in Baltimore, MD. Over the weekend of September 9-11, CitySquash coach Esteban Espinal headed south with 5 team members in tow to taste the first of the season’s competition in Baltimore. Seventh grader Billy Fleurima won the BU 13 Consolations, while Axel, Hugo, and Santiago earned their own victories by virtue of competing in their first Gold tournament ever. In addition to the tournament itself, CitySquashers had the chance to spend time with other urban squashers from CitySquash’s sister program in Baltimore, SquashWise. The 5 boys, along with Esteban, were graciously hosted by the family of SquashWise staff member, Matt Skarzynski. Also included in the weekend was a visit to the SquashWise facility and a hit-around with that team’s players. All in all, the CitySquash team is off to an exciting start to what is sure to be a busy and exciting season!