City Squash



Three Titles in 2013 Urban Team Nationals

Fifty team members and eleven staff members headed to Boston on Friday, January 18th for the NUSEA Urban Team Championships, hosted at Harvard University and Northeastern University. The twelve NUSEA member organizations faced off in an exciting weekend of squash and academic competition. CitySquash came away from the weekend with two squash titles, and one academic title! All programs submitted pieces for the essay contest, responses to the prompt “What is one thing that you hope never changes about you and why?” Alyssa Garcia, CitySquash 5th grader, won the U13 category for her moving essay on her compassion for the elderly. Congratulations, Alyssa!


On the court, CitySquash teams reached four finals out of the six divisions entered. In the Boys U13, CitySquash took home both the first and second place trophies! The Girls U15 division was also won by CitySquash, in a close 3-2 match against the New Haven-based SquashHaven. CitySquash GU13 team made it to the finals against fellow New York program StreetSquash. The closest match of the weekend was the BU15 final between CitySquash and Squash Haven. CitySquash took an early lead, winning the #5 and #3 spots, but then fell in the #4 and #2 spots. In a thrilling five-game match between the #1 players, Squash Haven took the title. It was a fantastic weekend of squash, and a treat for new and experienced players alike. Congratulations to all of the players from all twelve NUSEA programs for a great showing!