City Squash

Monthly Archives: January 2013

CitySquash Visits the Museum of Jewish Heritage

After finishing the novel Number the Stars, the CitySquash fifth graders went on a cultural outing to the Museum of Jewish Heritage on Sunday, January 27th, which also happened to be the 68th anniversary of the Auschwitz liberation. During their guided tour entitled “Meeting Hate with Humanity,” students learned about the Holocaust, as well as […]

Three Titles in 2013 Urban Team Nationals

Fifty team members and eleven staff members headed to Boston on Friday, January 18th for the NUSEA Urban Team Championships, hosted at Harvard University and Northeastern University. The twelve NUSEA member organizations faced off in an exciting weekend of squash and academic competition. CitySquash came away from the weekend with two squash titles, and one […]

College Students Focus On Careers

CitySquash kicked off the New Year with our first ever Career Week during the first week of January. Programming consisted of individual meetings and group workshops designed to support our college students with career exploration and internship and job placement. During their winter breaks, CitySquash college students met with the Director of College Prep to […]